Tuesday 31 March 2015

What Are White Mosquitoes

The white mosquito, also known as the Asian tiger mosquito, gets its name from the white stripes it has on its body. The specimen's popu...

Scented Oils That Keep Mosquitoes Away

You can deter mosquitoes by applying various scented oils to your exposed skin. Mosquitoes are a common warm-weather pest, especially aroun...

Tundra Environmental Problems

The Arctic environment is very fragile. The tundra biome is the coldest of all climate regions. The word "tundra" is derived from...

Test A Bug Zapper

A "bug zapper" is a device that electrocutes bugs when they come into contact with its electrically charged inner panel. The bug ...

Plants That Repel Mesquitos

Certain plants repel mosquitoes Mosquitoes are nuisance and big deterrent from enjoying your garden during warm summer evenings. Not only do...

Monday 30 March 2015

Organic Mosquito Repellent Ingredients

Lemons contain d-limonene, a natural insect repellent Mosquito bites do more than itch and irritate - they can also spread diseases like Wes...

The Life Cycle Of A Housefly

The Life Cycle of a Housefly A housefly is a common pest known to transmit a variety of diseases. The life cycle of a housefly consists of d...

Friday 27 March 2015

Life Cycle Of Insects

Insects develop from birth to maturity in stages called life cycles. Unlike humans, insects have a hard outer shell called an exoskeleton. A...

Plasmodium Life Cycle

Plasmodium is a genus of protozoan parasites that has life cycle consisting of two distinct phases. The first involves a mosquito which acts...

Vanilla As A Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito netting is a more effective repellent than vanilla. Vanilla extract and vanillin are often touted as natural alternatives to chemic...

Thursday 26 March 2015

Who Is The Father Of Biology

For his pioneer work in the field of natural sciences, the ancient Greek Aristotle is considered by many to be the father of biology. Doctor...

Specific & Interesting Facts On Global Warming & Pollution Factors

Global warming is likely to result in the spread of disease-causing mosquitoes. Global warming refers to an increase in the average tempera...

What Are Tundras

What Are Tundras? The Arctic tundra is a plain that is predominantly treeless and has a layer of soil under the subsoil that remains frozen ...

Make Mosquito Coils

Without mosquito coils , your next outdoor event could turn into mosquito happy hour. During the twilight hours of summer, when mosquitoes t...

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Instructions For The Duke Of York Solitaire Game

Can you solve this puzzle? Duke of York Solitaire is an expensive and well-made version of the peg solitaire game; simply known as solitaire...

Natural Way To Keep Wasps Away

Wasps are drawn to bright colors and sweet smells. Wasps thrive during the summer, and by September their nests mature. It is around that ti...

Mosquito Repellent Tea

Mosquitoes spread West Nile virus and other diseases, but some herbs can repel them. Several herbs can be used to make mosquito-repelling te...

The Rattlesnakes In Oregon

You may come across a western rattlesnake while hiking or hunting in Oregon. Out of the approximately 30 species of rattlesnakes, only one,...

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Ivy And Plants That Harbor Mosquitoes

Ivy is lovely when it's decorating walls, but it's a danger when it harbors mosquitoes. Ivy plants are fairly easy to grow and are a...

Perennial Herbs & Mosquitoes

Mosquito bites can transfer harmful diseases. Mosquitoes are more than a nuisance during pool parties and barbecues. Several species of the...

Monday 23 March 2015

Tundra Projects

Information about tundras provide opportunites for learning projects. Teaching students about the various biomes, which are the different ho...

Viral Causes For Joint & Muscle Pain

Viral Causes for Joint & Muscle Pain Viruses can cause a constellation of symptoms, some of which may include joint and muscle pain. Ma...

Screen A Rain Barrel From Mosquitoes

A source of conservation, barrels capture rain water run off from roofs. With new awareness concerning water conservation, more homeowners a...

Why Do Wasp Bites Itch

Wasp stings can cause redness, swelling and itching. When wasps sting humans, a venom is injected into the skin. This venom usually triggers...

Friday 20 March 2015

Lavender & Citronella Bug Repellent

Natural bug repellents keep bugs like mosquitoes away without the toxic chemicals. Using a natural bug repellent containing lavender and ci...

What Are Vitamin B12 Injections

Vitamin B12 injections are given to patients to treat deficiencies of the vitamin. Proponents of the injections also claim the vitamin B12 t...

Mosquito Repellent & Dryer Sheets

Carrying a dryer sheet around with you isn't going to stop this mosquito from biting you. Despite claims on the Internet stating otherwi...

Thursday 19 March 2015

Set Up A Civil War Dog Tent

Dog tents were used by the cavalry. Dog tents received extensive use in the Civil War and were given many nicknames during that time. Soldie...

What Skills Does An Instructional Designer Need

Instructional designers must have strong technical skills. According to Professor Sara McNeil, instructor of the Instructional Design Course...

Organic Pesticide For Chinch Bugs

If you have dead brown spots on your lawn, the cause may be traced to chinch bugs. Chinch bugs are insects that tend to infest and feed on g...

What To Use For Tick Repellent

Ticks are tiny parasitic creatures that live on the blood of their hosts. Ticks are small parasitic arthropods that feed on the blood of hos...

Wednesday 18 March 2015

Living With Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is a viral infection passed to humans when they are bitten by infected mosquitoes. Symptoms include extreme lethargy, headaches...

Wearable Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito bites are not just itchy; they can also spread disease. There is nothing like the whine of a mosquito to make you duck your head an...

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Replace Citronella Torch Cans

Citronella torches help keep mosquitos away. Garden torches, also called "tiki" torches, add warmth and personality to an outdoor ...

Mosquito Attractors And Repellents

Contrary to popular belief, bug zappers are ineffective at controlling mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are the scourge of any backyard event. Whether...

Lawn Care Weed & Insect Control

Fallen leaves can shade and kill grass, encouraging spring weed growth. While the turfgrass in your lawn is tough, durable and relatively lo...

Rosemary As A Mosquito Repellent

When crushed, rosemary leaves release mosquito-repelling oils. When mosquitoes bite, they can cause infections, allergic reactions, pain, ir...

Monday 16 March 2015

What Purposes Do Mosquitoes Serve In Ecosystems

Mosquitoes play a vital role in ecosystems. To humans, mosquitoes represent anything from a nuisance to a threat. Female mosquitoes require ...

Natural Tick Repellent For Kids

Kids who play outside in grass or heavy brush may pick up ticks. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, ticks are not insec...

Insectrepellent Plants For A Vegetable Garden

Marigolds are one plant to add to your garden to repel insects. A vegetable garden must be protected from pests such as insects that may da...

Friday 13 March 2015

Solutions For Killing Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are more than a pest, they are a health hazard all over the world. Mosquitoes are a dangerous and annoying problem to have around...

Sonic Ant Repellent

Ultrasonic ant repellent devices are safe to use around kids and pets. Ants aren't just the storied villain of every cartoon picnic; the...