Monday 10 November 2014

What Is A Good Natural Mosquito Repellent

Aromatic oils are the best natural mosquito repellents.

Mosquitos can carry disease and leave you with itchy bites. Many commercial products are available to repel mosquitoes, but some of them contain pesticides and can be dangerous to human health. A variety of natural repellents are also available. Does this Spark an idea?


Citronella and other aromatic oils, like eucalyptus and clove, can help mask your natural scent and make you invisible to mosquitoes. These natural mosquito repellents can be found in spray or oil forms and can be applied directly to the skin. Some come in candle form. According to the Annals of Internal Medicine, Bite Blocker, a product made of coconut, soybean and geranium oil, is an effective mosquito repellent.


While some people swear by taking Vitamin B and cod-liver oil, there is no scientific evidence to prove that dietary changes will repel mosquitoes, according to the University of Florida Extension. Mosquitoes use too many different ways to hunt their prey--including sight, smell and heat-sensing--for dietary changes to be productive.

Fun Fact

Certain people are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes because of an increased amount of body heat, lactic acid production and carbon dioxide output. Larger people produce more body heat, so they should bundle up to mask their warmth from mosquitoes.

Tags: body heat, dietary changes, mosquito repellents, natural mosquito, natural mosquito repellents, repel mosquitoes