Tuesday 25 November 2014

The Best Season To Transplant Cactus Plants

Wear gloves and handle cacti carefully to avoid the sharp spines.

Moving plants from one spot to another is a natural part of shaping a garden and getting all the plants in their ideal environments. Transplanting does cause stress in plants, including cacti -- but if you do it at the right time of year, your cacti will recover rapidly and resume growth quickly. Does this Spark an idea?

Soil Temperature and Season

The best time to transplant cactus plants are during spring and early summer (which is the most active growth time). These heat-loving plants transplant best when the soil temperature is above 60 degrees F, according to the Arizona State University Extension. Test the soil temperature using a soil thermometer before transplanting in early spring or late fall. Insert the thermometer into the top 4 inches of the soil get an accurate temperature reading.

Transplanting and Position

Before you move a cacti to a new spot in the garden or landscape, identify which way it is facing in regard to the sun. Make a small dot or mark on the side that faces south. When transplanting the cactus, position it with the same orientation in the new spot. The side of the cactus that's least well-adapted to direct sunlight can suffer damage if suddenly exposed to direct, full sun.


Once you remove the cacti from its original spot, leave it in the sun for one to two days before moving it to the new planting site. When positioning the cactus in the new hole, make sure it is at the same depth as it was in its original spot. Water right after planting. Water deeply one to two times a week for the first growing season. When transplanting in early spring or late fall, test the soil temperature at night. When it drops below 60 F, discontinue watering until the soil warms up.

Repotting Cacti

As a container-grown cactus matures, it's necessary to transplant it into a larger pot. Wait until spring to transplant a cactus into a new pot. Cactus plants produce the most active growth in spring so they recover faster during this time. Select a pot that is 1 inches larger than the pot your cacti is in. Avoid increasing the pot size more than 1 inch at each transplanting, which can lead to overwatering and soil saturation.

Tags: active growth, early spring, early spring late, late fall, most active, most active growth, original spot