Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Best Tomato Varieties For Southern California

Southern California gardeners can typically begin harvesting tomatoes in July.

Southern California generally has a hot, dry and overall temperate climate with certain parts benefiting from cool breezes of the Pacific Ocean. The climate is ideal for growing tomatoes, purportedly America's top garden crop, according to "USA Today." A number of hybrid and heirloom tomato varieties can be successfully grown in this region, but certain varieties do particularly well in home gardens. Does this Spark an idea?

Pink Ping Pong

The "San Diego Union-Tribune" dedicates an entire column every March to growing tomatoes in Southern California. In 2005, the column's contributor planted 12 tomato varieties in his garden and shared his results in the 2006 column. The best tomato varieties of the group are the Pink Ping Pong and the Mountain Gold. The Pink Ping Pong, named because it's the size of a ping pong ball when mature, has a bright-colored pink skin. It has a more robust flavor than a cherry tomato. It grows very well in Southern California, producing a large quantity of fruit throughout its growing season. The plant is a vigorous grower and routine pruning is required to keep it from overtaking your garden.

Mountain Gold

The Mountain Gold was another top performing tomato variety noted by the "Union-Tribune." This variety produces large, yellow-gold fruit weighing up to 1 lb. It has a rich yet sweet tomato flavor and has a low acid content. The plant cultivates well in small spaces, including containers. It grows in the form of a triangle -- smaller at the top and larger at the bottom. Plant Mountain Gold successfully outside in Southern California in warmer areas.

Early Goliath

Early Goliath is similar to the Early Girl variety, which is also popular in Southern California home gardens. One plant can bear up 10 oz. of fruit. It's a hardy plant that can be cultivated in the region's drier areas as well as the cooler areas closer to the Pacific Ocean. Early Goliath plants are prolific growers and should be staked to provide optimal growing conditions. It produces round, red fruit that has a well-adjusted flavor of sweet and acids.

Tags: Southern California, Mountain Gold, Early Goliath, Pink Ping, Pink Ping Pong