Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Pest Control Home Remedies


Having insects and pests in your home and garden is a problem that no one wants to deal with. There are plenty of chemicals that you can purchase at a hardware or home and garden store to kill them, but if you want to use a more natural approach, know that your kitchen is filled with items that can control pests without bringing toxins into your home. Just check in your kitchen, refrigerator or pantry for effective pest control home remedies. Does this Spark an idea?


Mosquitoes are not only annoying, but they can bite you, leaving you with itchy welts. To get rid of mosquitoes with items from around your home, try a bit of rosemary. If you are out grilling up some hamburgers, sprinkle some rosemary onto the coals; it will create a scent that repels mosquitoes. You can also try planting a bed of marigolds, as they repel bugs naturally as well. Finally, remove all standing water around your home. Mosquitoes are attracted to humidity, so birth baths, puddles and ponds will attract them to your yard.


Cockroaches are an unfortunate fact of living in some areas of the country, and are oftentimes found in apartments where you may not be allowed to spray chemicals. However, you can cut them off at the source. Cockroaches can climb high, so sprinkle some boric acid on the tops of your cupboards to repel them. You can also spread some catnip in the corners where cockroaches frequent; they hate the smell. If you see a cockroach, spray it with a bit of soapy water and it will kill it on contact.


No one wants pesky ants ruining their picnic, but you might have forgotten your ant spray at home. Never fear, just bring a spray bottle filled with water and dish detergent to spray those ants to remove them. You can also bring cucumber slices to your next picnic. Bitter cucumbers will repel ants. Finally, if you know where the ants are coming from, pour a line of cayenne pepper in front of the entry point. Ants are known to never cross cayenne pepper, garlic or lemon juice.

Tags: your home, around your, around your home, cayenne pepper, filled with, home garden