Tuesday 26 May 2015

Lavender Herbal Insect Repellent

Lavender is a natural insect repellent.

Numerous natural herbs are effective at preventing and repelling insects. Lavender can be used in dried or oil form as an insect repellent, and live plants can be used in your yard. Does this Spark an idea?

About Lavender

Lavender is an herb that often is used to treat many human ailments, such as headaches, depression and muscle spasms. The smell of lavender, although pleasant to humans, is unpleasant to different insects. Therefore, using lavender can help with your moods and at the same time repel unwanted insects.

Insects Affected by It

Most commonly, lavender is used to repel winged insects, such as moths or mosquitoes. Lavender also can repel other insects, such fleas and ticks.

Make Your Own

For treating moths, place lavender into mesh sachets and hang them in your closet or place them in your drawers. Lavender oil can be mixed into your pet's shampoo to give a long lasting prevention for fleas. It also can be mixed with water and sprayed around your yard to help discourage fleas. Mixing together lavender essential oil, eucalyptus and olive oil can create a natural mosquito repellent for you. Planting lavender plants outside will drive away numerous insects.

Tags: insect repellent, insects Lavender, insects such, them your, your yard