Tuesday 23 September 2014

Vodka & Vinegar Bug Sprays

Repel mosquitoes with vodka and vinegar bug sprays.

Mosquitoes and other insects can be a nuisance and ruin the pleasure of spending time outdoors. Many commercial bug sprays and insecticides are effective, but some people do not approve of the use of harsh chemicals like DEET, the active ingredient in many bug sprays. If you are of this mind, consider making your own bug spray using ingredients like vodka and vinegar. Does this Spark an idea?

The Benefits of Homemade Bug Spray

Aside from staying inside all the time or covering up with long sleeves and pants, one of the most effective ways to prevent bites from nuisance insects like mosquitoes is bug spray. Commercial bug sprays contain an ingredient called DEET, which is highly effective against insect bites but can also irritate skin if applied to broken skin or worn for too long. Homemade bug sprays made from natural ingredients can be just as effective as commercial sprays without all of the harsh chemicals and negative effects. Natural bug sprays are a non-toxic alternative safe for use on small children and in households where pets are present.

The Effectiveness of Vodka and Vinegar

Mosquitoes and other insects are naturally drawn to sweet smells like flowers and sugar. Many gardeners use strong-smelling herbs and flowers to deter pests from their gardens, and you can use the same methodology to avoid insect bites. Both vinegar and vodka emit pungent odors that are effective in deterring pests. The type of vinegar used in homemade bug sprays may determine the effectiveness of the spray because different types of vinegar have different odors. White vinegar is the most pungent, so it is the best ingredient to use in homemade bug sprays.

Vodka and Vinegar Bug Spray Recipes

Combine 1/3 cup of apple cider or white vinegar with 1/3 cup vodka in a small jar. Stir in five drops of citronella or eucalyptus oil and funnel the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray this mixture onto all exposed skin on the legs, arms, neck and back and spray it on your hands to apply to your face. Adding a few drops of other essential oils like germanium or peppermint may be helpful in covering up the harsh odor of vodka and vinegar.

Alternative Homemade Bug Sprays

Another type of effective homemade bug spray is one that contains essential oils. Oils like tea tree, eucalyptus and cedarwood are very pungent and can be effective in deterring pests. To make your own essential oil bug spray, combine 20 drops each of eucalyptus and cedarwood oil with 10 drops each of tea tree and germanium oil. Add 2 oz. of carrier oil like jojoba oil, mix well and pour it into a spray bottle. This homemade bug spray is just as effective as the vodka and vinegar recipe but its odor is much less offensive to the human nose.

Tags: deterring pests, drops each, effective deterring, effective deterring pests, essential oils, eucalyptus cedarwood