Thursday 11 September 2014

The Best Way To Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a major irritation, putting a damper on outdoor parties and events. Children and adults alike are susceptible to mosquito bites, which can carry with them the added danger of exposure to West Nile Virus. If you want to enjoy your time outdoors without interference from pesky mosquitoes, read on for tips on effective mosquito repellents. Does this Spark an idea?

Skin Treatments

You can spray yourself and your family members with a mosquito repellent to keep them off your skin. The Centers for Disease Control and Environmental Protection Agency recommend using mosquito repellents containing specific ingredients, such as DEET and Picaridin.

These two ingredients have shown higher levels of effectiveness in mosquito repelling. You may also look for products containing oil of lemon eucalyptus, also called PMD, or IR3535.

These two have shown lower effectiveness, but are also approved by the EPA.

The EPA recommends applying these repellents every time you go outside. It does not recommend products that combine sunscreen with mosquito repellent, since sunscreen should be applied several times a day and mosquito repellent should not.

Treat your Gear

Clothing and camping gear can also help you repel mosquitoes, if treated properly. Certain products contain an ingredient called permethrin, which can help to repel mosquitoes. Permethrin can be used on clothing, tents, backpacks and other gear.

If you don't have products specifically treated with permethrin, you can always spray your gear with your regular insect repellent to help add a layer of protection. Check the label of your particular product first to see if this is recommended.

Other Tips

You can protect yourself and your family from mosquito invasion by following these other tips:

Wear clothing that covers your arms and legs. This will provide fewer access points to your skin for the buggy invaders.

In your yard, avoid using containers that may gather standing water. You should also stay away from bodies of water such as lakes and ponds if you want to avoid mosquito visitors.

Use mosquito netting over infant carriers and strollers to protect your littlest family members.

Follow the directions on your repellent label for application. Apply only as often as directed, and apply only to exposed skin. Do not apply repellent to skin that will be covered by clothing.

Remember that some repellents will be more effective than others. Check the DEET content and recommended re-application instructions for your product.

Tags: mosquito repellent, yourself your family, family members, have shown, help repel