Wednesday 8 April 2015

Teen Sleepover Games

Create several games for a teen sleepover.

Plan your next teen sleepover birthday party by creating a variety of party games. Although teens usually make their own fun, games can help prevent boredom. Games give any unfamiliar faces at the party a chance to meet and make new friends. Awarding game winners with prizes, such as gift cards, jewelry, hair accessories and small electronics is likely to pique interest and encourage teens to play along. Does this Spark an idea?

Musical Sleeping Bags

Take the number of players you have, subtract by one, and lay that number of sleeping bags on the floor. If you do not have enough sleeping bags, lay down large blankets folded in half. Play music and have the teens dance around the sleeping bags. When the music stops, each teen must lie on top of a sleeping bag and close her eyes. The player left without a sleeping bag is out of the game. Remove one of the bags and keep playing. The last player lying on a sleeping bag wins the game.

Mosquito Game

Each teen receives a sheet of 20 red dot stickers. The stickers represent "mosquito bites." Throughout the party, teens must try to get rid of their mosquito bites by placing them on other guests when they are not looking. If a player catches another player placing a mosquito bite on her, she must take back the mosquito bite. The first player to get rid of all her "mosquito bites" wins the game.

Shoe Scramble

Everyone must place their shoes or slippers in the middle of the party area. Blindfold each guest and have an adult mix up all the shoes. The teens must try to find their shoes with their blindfolds on. The first person to find her shoes and put them on wins the game.

Flashlight Scavenger Hunt

Divide the teens into teams of three or four and give each team a scavenger list. Each list should include 20 items the teens can find outside, such as a rock, a stick, a leaf and a piece of trash. Make sure it is dark outside and give each team a flashlight. The teens must try to collect 15 of the 20 items on their scavenger list. The first team back with at least 15 items wins the game.

Foil Outfits

Teens must select a partner. Each team receives a roll of aluminum foil. The teams go into different rooms or areas to make a foil outfit. The teens have 30 minutes to create the best foil outfit using only the roll of foil. Award prizes for the best, funniest, silliest and scariest foil outfits.

Tags: wins game, mosquito bites, each team, foil outfit, give each