Wednesday 29 April 2015

Mosquito Crafts

Making mosquito crafts is a fun idea for insect-loving children.

Mosquitoes are small, winged insects that enjoy moist areas that most children encounter during summer camping and evening trips to the park. Children who are fascinated by nature and insects will enjoy making fun, colorful mosquito crafts.

Pom-Pom Mosquito

Create a fluffy mosquito using two small and one medium-sized pom-pom, which can be purchased from a craft store or made from yarn. Glue the pom-poms together, with the biggest one forming the bottom, or body, of the mosquito. Glue a section of red pipe cleaner to the top pom-pom to represent the mouth and use bent gray or brown pipe cleaners as the legs. White tissue paper works perfectly for the wings.

Colorful Mosquito

Use beads, craft pom-poms, pipe cleaners and googly eyes to make small, easy and colorful mosquito crafts for young children. Bend a pipe cleaner in half. Twist the end and thread on a variety of colored beads to form the mosquito's body. Roughly 1 or 1.5 inches down the pipe cleaner, fold each side to resemble wings. Glue a pom-pom to the mosquito's body to represent the head; add googly eyes and a tiny pom-pom nose.

Poster Board Mosquito

Use poster board and pipe cleaners to make a mosquito. Cut out the shapes of a mosquito head and body from black poster board and glue the head to the body. Cut out wings from white poster board and glue them to the poster board mosquito. Add life to this mosquito craft by using black pipe cleaners to represent the mosquito's wings and antenna. Big googly eyes make this craft complete.

Mosquito Headband

Making a wearable headband is a fun mosquito craft for kids. Form the headband by cutting a sheet of construction paper in half lengthwise. Fold the sides of one of the halves in to meet the center and tape them together. This forms a long band, which can be fitted to each child's head and stapled. Wind two black pipe cleaners around a pencil to make them curly; glue them to the headband to represent the mosquito's antenna. Glue a pom-pom to the end of each pipe cleaner. Glue large eyes, which can be made from white construction paper, to the headband.

Tags: pipe cleaners, pipe cleaner, googly eyes, poster board, black pipe, black pipe cleaners