Friday 10 April 2015

Insect Repellents For Porches & Yards

Mosquites spread disease.

There are many effective commercial chemical products that combat household and yard insects, but many contain dangerous toxins. For those who prefer not to expose themselves, children, family and pets to noxious insecticides, there are several natural and environmentally friendly methods available to control insect pests on the patio. Does this Spark an idea?


Citronella candles repel mosquitoes.

Pelargonium citrosum, or citronella, is also commonly called the mosquito plant. It is a tall-growing perennial that presents an odor that protects the plant from insects. The scent is most evident when the plant is disturbed and the oil contained in the leaves is released. Citronella is a natural insect repellent that is safe for use around small children and pets. Plant citronella near the porch or patio to help discourage bothersome insect pests. Citronella is also cultivated as an indoor houseplant and is effective in repelling ants, mosquitoes and flies.

Lavender Repels Insects

Lavender repels annoying insect pests and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Lavender is an aromatic, woody-stemmed perennial that presents silvery-green foliage topped by fragrant, purple flowers. Lavender grows well in United States hardiness zones 2 through 7, and is easily cultivated in the home landscape. Plant lavender around patios, porches and entry ways. The pungent scent of lavender is pleasant to humans but repels ticks, mosquitoes, flies, fleas, mites and spiders. Massage lavender essential oil on exposed skin to prevent bug bites.

Bird Feeders

Birds help control insect infestations.

Place nesting boxes and bird baths around the patio or porch. Several species of birds including purple martins, wrens, robins and nuthatches consume insects.


Add a toad house to the garden landscape.

Encourage toads to live in the garden and under the porch. They eat many annoying insects and are entertaining to watch. Introduce toads and frogs to a garden pond or water feature to help control mosquito populations.


Replace patio and yard lights with low-wattage, yellow "bug" lights. This type of light does not attract flying insects and helps keep barbecues and patio entertaining bug-free. Hang strips of flypaper to catch bothersome houseflies and horseflies. Install an electronic "bug zapper" on the patio to attract and kill moths, flies and mosquitoes.

Tags: insect pests, control insect, help control, mosquitoes flies, perennial that