Friday 17 April 2015

Is Vanilla A Natural Mosquito Repellent

Mosquito bites can transmit encephalitis and malaria.

After they mate, female mosquitoes need to feed on blood to provide the necessary nutrition to allow her eggs to mature. Mosquito bites can transmit diseases and cause infections, redness, itching and irritation. Does this Spark an idea?


According to the University of Wisconsin, two published studies and one informal study tested the efficacy of vanilla as a natural mosquito repellent. All found little to no repellent activity in vanillin, which is the primary component of vanilla bean extract.


The two published studies cited by the University of Wisconsin tried adding vanillin to some commercially available mosquito repellents. While ineffective as a mosquito repellent on its own, vanillin proved to be useful in increasing the efficacy of other repellents.


According to University of Wisconsin, catnip oil proves to be an effective mosquito repellent in studies. However, commercially available mosquito repellents still provide more protection.

Tags: mosquito repellent, University Wisconsin, According University, According University Wisconsin, available mosquito