Tuesday 20 January 2015

Orkin Spray Dangers

Termites build fascinating castles, but can be very dangerous in a home.

Though insecticides now have a very minimal risk, no termite spray is completely risk-free. Certain dangers still exist and you need to take steps to prevent any accidental poisonings. Does this Spark an idea?


Sprays that leave residue may end up on a child's or animal's hands, face or eyes. It may also damage certain delicate surfaces, or soak into surfaces and remain there without evaporating.

Accidental Ingestion

An accidental ingestion (usually caused by residue) can lead to serious complications and even death. Though small children and pets are more likely to be in danger of this, it can happen if you have sprayed indoors or in an area where human traffic is frequent.

Side Effects

Nausea and vomiting or other side effects can occur if you, a child or pet are near the spraying while it is occurring. It's best to arrange for a time when all parties are out of the area and can safely remain so until the exterminator deems it safe to enter.

Improper Application

Though rare, an improper application can lead to additional, unnecessary exposure which may be harmful to yourself and others. Always make sure that you are dealing with a professional exterminator.

Water Contamination

Insecticides sprayed outdoors can seep into the ground. If a well is within 100 feet, the water source could become contaminated and undrinkable because of the spray.
