Sunday 18 January 2015

Natural Mosquito Repellent For Infants

A baby's sensitive skin can present a unique challenge when trying to protect against mosquito bites.

Since infants below the age of 2 months should not use mosquito repellent that contains DEET, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), parents might consider using a natural mosquito repellent to protect their babies from the pesky, biting bugs. Does this Spark an idea?


Natural mosquito repellents may contain oil of lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass oil, peppermint, citronella oil or rosemary oil, though direct application of any of these essential oils may cause an allergic reaction to a baby's delicate skin. Since repellents containing lemon eucalyptus are not considered safe for children under the age of three, it is important to read insect repellent labels thoroughly for any age restrictions.

Usage Amount

Natural repellents generally do not last as long as those with chemicals, like DEET, according to Baby Center. For effective protection, some may need to be reapplied every 20 minutes while others may last up to two hours.

Safest Options

To protect an infant from mosquitoes, avoid dressing him in brightly colored clothing that can attract biting insects, according to Baby Center. Also, do not use strongly scented soaps or lotions, avoid areas with stagnant water and use mosquito netting over his infant seat, playpen, backpack or stroller.

Tags: according Baby, according Baby Center, Baby Center, DEET according, lemon eucalyptus