Friday 30 January 2015

List Of Plants That Repel Mosquitoes

Citronella candles are derived from the citronella plant, which repels mosquitos.

Mosquitoes don't like certain plants because of the plants' chemical properties, so these plants are used to make mosquito repellents. It's generally not enough to simply stand near a plant that repels mosquitoes if you want to avoid bites; instead, make a solution of the crushed leaves and water and use it as a spray. The leaves can also be dried and burned like incense to repel nearby mosquitoes. Does this Spark an idea?


Citronella candles and sprays are among the most common natural mosquito repellents. The citronella plant is a tropical grass that naturally repels mosquitoes. The oil from the plant is the most effective component when it comes to mosquito repellent. Consider growing this plant if you live in a warm, tropical climate or if you have a greenhouse.


Although cats love catnip, mosquitoes hate it. Studies show catnip oil to be more repellent to mosquitoes than DEET, the chemical most commonly found in conventional bug sprays. If you have a cat and you plant catnip, fence it off so the cat won't destroy it.


Grow rosemary plants if you live in a dry climate; rosemary actually grows wild in arid climates such as in southern California. If you live somewhere cold, plant rosemary in a pot and keep it indoors. Or buy rosemary oil and dilute it into a spray. In addition to repelling mosquitoes, rosemary is edible and a popular cooking herb.

Tags: Citronella candles, citronella plant, mosquito repellents, repels mosquitoes