Wednesday 31 December 2014

Peach Tree Bug Spray

Numerous types of bug sprays are available to peach growers.

All peach growers--whether they have a few trees in their backyards or a small orchard--must become knowledgeable of the numerous types of insecticides used to prevent and curb bug infestations. Peach trees are vulnerable to attacks from pests such as the peach tree borer, plum curculio and the Oriental fruit moth. Correct use of bug sprays can keep these insect invaders from destroying peach harvests. Does this Spark an idea?

Synthetic Sprays

Peach growers have several synthetic spray options available to protect their fruit trees. Permethrin (commercially sold as Pounce or Ambush) offers protection from the peach tree borer, plum curculio, Oriental fruit moth and shothole borer. Esfenvalerate (available as Asana and Ortho Bug-B-Gon MAX Garden & Landscape Insect Killer) also prevents infestations of peach tree borer, plum curulio and catfacing insects. Other effective insecticidal sprays include those containing carbaryl, malathion or bifenthrin. Read and follow instructions carefully, because synthetic spray often cannot be used within two weeks of harvesting peaches.


Peach growers have used oil sprays to prevent pesky bugs from attacking fruit trees since the beginning of the 20th Century. For the best results with this bug spray, the timing of its application is critical. To discourage infestations of aphids, European red mites and scale insects, spray peach trees with horticultural oils just before the swollen bud stage. Oil sprays applied during the delayed dormant period can also prevent problems with peach twig borers. Mary Beth Musgrove of the Alabama Cooperative Extension System also recommends a dormant spray application for peach trees in mid to late winter.

Bacterial Controls

Another option available to peach growers to curb insect infestations is the use of bacterial control sprays. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a bacterium effective at managing peach tree borers and peach twig borers. Available commercially as Dipel, Thuricide and Javelin, Bt spray keeps larvae from entering the tree trunk and branches. To prevent problems with peach twig borers, apply Bt at bloom. For best results on curbing peach tree borers, spray peach trees weekly with Bt from late July through August, the peak period of moth flight.

Botanical Insecticides

Bug sprays containing botanical agents are also used by peach growers to prevent problems with insects. Insecticides containing rotenone, neem (also called azadirachtin) and pyrethrin (such as Green Light Fruit Tree Spray) are used against the Oriental fruit moth, plum curculio, tarnished plant bug and peach tree borer. Frequent and thorough application of these botanical bug sprays is essential to their successful use.

Tags: peach tree, peach tree borer, tree borer, borer plum, fruit moth, Oriental fruit, Oriental fruit moth