Wednesday 2 December 2015

What Is A Cheap Effective Way To Get Rid Of Fleas

Fleas are one of the most persistent pests because they are difficult to get rid of completely. Treating households with pesticides and applying flea prevention solutions to pets may not always be enough to stop flea infestations. Short of moving, selling pets, or replacing entire wardrobes and furnishings, there is a cheap, effective way to get rid of them.

Researching Fleas

Oddly enough, the best defense against fleas is understanding them. This means reading up on their life stages, reproductive habits, and natural habitats. This is cheap and effective, because there is plenty of free information online about fleas. Once you understand what they need to survive, develop a successful and all-encompassing strategy to stop them.

First, knowing that fleas bite to receive a blood meal for reproduction and sustenance rather than just to annoy you is important. Once they get their meal, they can lay their eggs. Here is where the problem begins, because the maturation of the young fleas from pupa to larva to imago to adult can't begin unless they have a secure place to mature. This will be in carpets, pet bedding, furniture, laundry baskets, and outdoor environments around the house.

Removing Flea Eggs

Ridding the home of flea eggs is the first step in combating infestations. This is an involved process, but is a cheap, effective way to stop fleas. Vacuum all rugs, carpets, and pet bedding (wash pet bedding if possible). Vacuum all other floor coverings, including tile, linoleum, and hardwood. The eggs can fall into the seams of these surfaces. Use cleaning products to treat all surfaces of upholstered furniture and vacuum. Discard the vacuum bag afterward.

Launder all clothing that may have come in contact with fleas or their eggs. Fabrics catch flea eggs easily, and washing them in detergent and the warmest water possible (hot is best) will discourage new infestations. Launder all human bedding thoroughly as well, and vacuum mattresses and box spring sets.

Bathing Pets

Of course, pets are the most frequent carriers of fleas. It is always recommended that pets be brushed thoroughly before they come in from the outdoors. Bathing the pets really is a cheap, effective way to stop fleas. Regular pet soap or gentle shampoo will work well, because it is the warm water and scrubbing that washes away any adult fleas or eggs that may have adhered to the animal's fur. Rinse the pet thoroughly, dry vigorously, and brush or comb the fur. Rinse the tub or bathing receptacle well, and clean the bathing area completely.

Humans should also bathe immediately after bathing the pets. In fact, regular bathing and clothes laundering during flea season is a very cheap, effective way to prevent infestations.

Tags: cheap effective, carpets bedding, cheap effective stop, effective stop, effective stop fleas, flea eggs