Wednesday 2 December 2015

Insect Yard Spray

Keep your yard safe from insect damage.

Insects can be a nuisance both indoors and outdoors. If left uncontrolled, insects can cause significant damage to your lawn. Even if you take good care of your lawn, you can still develop an insect problem. Does this Spark an idea?


Using insect spray on your yard is essential to prevent problems, such as dead or diseased grass, caused by insects. Yards damaged by insects may have brown or thin patches of grass, chewed plant leaves or grass blades and grass that is easily peeled away from the soil.


Insect spray for your yard is available as chemical sprays or natural, organic sprays. Chemical sprays are often toxic and should not be used around children or pets. When using insecticides, always read the label first and follow the directions. Wear protective clothing, such as gloves, a mask, long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Dispose of the insecticide properly after use. Hire a professional if you're not comfortable using insecticides.


Homemade, organic sprays are safe to use on your lawn and around children and pets. Natural insect sprays are made of ingredients such as citronella oil, eucalyptus oil, geranium oil and cedar oil.

Tags: your lawn, your yard, around children, around children pets, children pets