Thursday 17 December 2015

Most Effective Bug Zappers

June bugs can be a flying pest

Bug bites, bugs on your food and the general buzzing of insects around your head are annoying. Most people don't want to stay inside or sit within a screened tent or porch just to be free of these pests. So, they look for ways to draw them away or at least decrease their numbers. While sprays can get rid of them, they will also kill many more beneficial bugs than a zapper, so many choose to use bug zappers to help take care of the problem. Does this Spark an idea?

Knowing your needs

There are a variety of bug zappers available

Bug zappers come in various sizes and shapes and choosing the right one depends on what your needs are. Before shopping consider what pests are bothering you. June bugs generally are a problem at night when they tend to fly toward lit areas. For them you would want a zapper that gives off a lot of light. If mosquitoes are the issue, light will be of no use, so something that will attract mosquitoes would be needed. Pesky flies can also be the issue and for them you want something more direct.

Solar and Vacuum Zappers

Solar zappers can be placed anywhere in the yard

If you would like a bug zapper, but don't like the way they look or how loud they are, solar zappers might be just what you want. Hammacher Schlemmer sells solar insect zappers that look like regular walkway solar lights that stake into the ground. Since they are solar there is no need to run cords, so these zappers will work anywhere in your yard or garden. Another solar light style available at Mosquito Zapper uses a vacuum to suck in the bugs and dehydrate them.

Electric Fly Swatter Racket

Fly swatter zappers also take care of spiders

iTouchless is a rechargeable bug zapper that you hold like a swatter. It looks like a small sports racket. If flies are a being pesky, no problem: just swing and zap them. When flying bugs touch the screened portion of the racket they are instantly zapped. Carry it with you on a walk, at the beach, or wherever you want. iTouchless kills bees, gnats, and other flying insects. It also works on crawling bugs like spiders.

Mosquito Zapping

Mosquitoes won't approach zappers unless they have special mosquito lure.

Regular zappers lure with light, which doesn't attract mosquitoes. Look for mosquito-attracting zappers that come with a mosquito lure such as Octenol. For large yards, it is especially helpful if you purchase more than one zapper for the area. Also, be sure to place them near areas where people congregate.

Tags: attract mosquitoes, June bugs, mosquito lure, take care, than zapper