Friday 16 October 2015

Yard Mosquitoes

Adult mosquitoes reside on grass and plants in the yard during the heat of the day.

Female mosquitoes seek out humans and pets in yards or other outdoor locations to drink their blood. The female insect requires the protein from the blood to successfully produce viable eggs. The region of the bite can itch, and experience redness and localized swelling. Mosquitoes in the U.S. can spread West Nile virus and encephalitis. In other parts of the world, they spread disease such as malaria, dengue fever and yellow fever. Does this Spark an idea?


Mosquitoes seek out standing water to lay their eggs. The eggs require only four days to hatch. During the day, the adult mosquitoes seek out the cool shade of tall grass and shrubs. They usually cling to the plant's foliage until dusk or dawn when they feed. Some types of mosquitoes will feed throughout the day and show no preference for time. Adult mosquitoes will fly five to 10 miles in search of blood and a breeding location. Some mosquito types only breed once per years, but others breed two or three times per year.


Dispose of all standing water in the yard. Dump out old tires, children's toys and empty flower pots of water. Change pet water daily. Clean out rain gutters and rain barrels. Rinse out children's wading pools daily and fill with fresh water. Wash out bird baths and replace with fresh water every other day. Watch for low-laying areas of the yard where water can accumulate. Fill ponds in the yard with fish types that enjoy consuming mosquitoes, such as the mosquitofish "Gambusia affinis."


Prevent mosquitoes from getting into the house from the yard by making sure that all windows have screens. Caulk around windows, doors or any cracks in the house's foundation. Place weather stripping around doors. Avoid going outdoors during the dawn and dusk hours. Wear long sleeves, long pants and shoes, especially when mowing the yard. Avoid wearing dark clothing. Mosquitoes show a preference for dark clothing. The insects also find people who sweat attractive. Cut down all tall grass around the yard. Use a mosquito repellent when going outdoors.

Repellent and Control Considerations

Consider spraying shrubs, plants and trees with an insecticidal spray to help reduce or eliminate mosquitoes. Burning citronella candles when outside may help repel mosquitoes. Avoid using bug zappers because they kill both mosquitoes and beneficial garden insects. Outdoor insecticide foggers can help control mosquitoes for approximately three or four hours. Remove any areas of long grass, especially around ponds or creeks. Personal clip-on battery-operated repellent dispensers emit a burst of repellent at timed intervals and can provide some protection from the insects.

Tags: dark clothing, fresh water, going outdoors, mosquitoes seek, mosquitoes will, show preference, standing water