Wednesday 14 October 2015

What Spray On My Screens To Keep Bugs Off

A variety of substances can be sprayed on screens to repel insects.

Summer is a time for outdoor fun, backyard barbecues and insect bites. Although wire-mesh screens are effective at keeping bugs from entering your home, insects that congregate on screens can easily fly into the house whenever doors are opened and closed. There are, however, a number of different substances you can spray on screens that will keep insects away. Does this Spark an idea?


Insects can be kept off screens by spraying them with an insect repellent containing DEET. DEET has been widely used in the U.S. since 1957, and is an effective repellent. DEET repels biting insects by blocking the insects' receptors, preventing them from honing in on humans to bite. Brands of insect repellents that include DEET include Off! and Muskol.


Citronella is the common name given to a perennial grass that is native to Sri Lanka, India, Burma and Indonesia, and it is related to lemongrass. Citronella has been proven to be highly effective in repelling mosquitoes, and the essential oil that is extracted from citronella grass has been used for more than 50 years as a chemical-free insect repellent. Spraying a mixture of citronella oil and water on a screen should keep insects from landing on it.

Catnip Oil and Garlic

According to a study performed at Iowa State University, catnip oil is 10 times more effective than DEET at repelling insets. Dilute pure catnip oil with some water in a spray bottle, and spray directly on your screens to keep them bug-free. Garlic is also a scent that is naturally repellent to insects. This is because garlic contains naturally occurring sulfur, a smell that insects hate. Squeeze raw garlic in a garlic press and let it steep in some warm water. Pour the liquid in a spray bottle, and spray it on your screens.

Herbs and Spices

A variety of oils derived from herbs have also proven effective in repelling insects. According to a study undertaken at Seoul National University in Korea, a spray containing a 5 percent concentration of fennel oil was effective in repelling mosquitoes for more than 90 minutes after spraying. The oils from rosemary and thyme also have insect-repelling odors and can also be diluted with water and sprayed on a screen. In addition, celery extract is just as effective at repelling insects as a commercially available compound that consists of 25 percent DEET. Spraying celery extract on screens should be an effective deterrent to insects.

Tags: effective repelling, According study, bottle spray, celery extract, effective repelling insects