Friday 9 October 2015

Use Mosquito Dunks To Control Gnats Infesting Houseplants

Oh those pesky, awful little fungus gnats--they look like fruit flies, but they live in over-watered houseplant soil and thrive on rotten plant roots. Using Mosquito Dunks or watering with BT, also known as Bacillus Thuringiensis, will make short shrift of the fungus gnats infesting your houseplants. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Buy mosquito dunks or liquid BT at any home and garden store. Purchase a bag of sand at the same time.

2. Crumble the dunks into little pieces, placing them into the soil of the gnat-infested plant.

3. For added measure, water the plant with a mixture of water and BT to ensure proper coverage of the chemical throughout the soil. Follow directions on the bottle for proportions.

4. Cover the top of the soil with a thick layer of sand approximately one inch deep.

5. If you have a place outdoors, place the plants outside rather than leaving them in the house.

6. Purchase sticky fly paper bug strips and hang one over the kitchen sink or any other sink in a room where you see the gnats. They are attracted to moisture, and the few that remain in the house will get caught in the sticky paper.

7. Let your infested house plants completely dry out, waiting about two weeks before watering again. Test water them to see if any gnats fly out from the soil after it becomes wet. If so, add some more BT and Mosquito Dunks and repeat the process until all gnats disappear.

Tags: Mosquito Dunks, sticky paper