Friday 9 October 2015

Uses For Vicks Vapo Rub

Uses for Vicks Vapo Rub

Vicks VapoRub is a versatile menthol lotion. It can be used to relieve coughs, congestion or nail fungus, and it works as cat or mosquito repellent.

Chest Application

Apply Vicks VapoRub to the upper-chest area for relief of cough and congestion. It can be applied to children without waking them up, unlike traditional cough-relief medication.

Foot Application

Although it may sound strange, for night-time cough relief, apply Vicks VapoRub generously to the bottoms of your feet, then put on a pair of socks. In just minutes, coughing is greatly reduced.


Vicks VapoRub can be used in specially designed humidifiers and vaporizers with a compartment for aromatherapy. The humidifier will make the menthol in Vicks airborne.

Nail Fungus

Apply Vicks VapoRub in a light layer on toe- or fingernails with fungus twice daily. The medication will help cure the nail fungus.

Cat Scratch Repellent

To keep cats from scratching on door frames and window sills, apply small amounts of Vicks VapoRub to these areas. Most cats do not like the smell and will stay away.

Repel Mosquitoes

Repel mosquitoes by applying small dabs of Vicks VapoRub to clothing and skin when you are in mosquito-infested areas. You can also apply a small dab to a bite and cover it with an adhesive bandage to relieve itching.

Tags: Vicks VapoRub, apply small, Apply Vicks, Apply Vicks VapoRub, nail fungus