Thursday 29 October 2015

Mosquito Repellents With Sulfur & Garlic

The sulfur in garlic is said to have mosquito repellent properties.

In folklore garlic is known to keep vampires at bay, but it turns out there may be some scientific truth behind this fantastical legend. Though not entirely thorough, it seems garlic has the ability to ward off blood sucking mosquitoes by virtue of its scent. This potential repellent can be used in a number of ways and organic products have been marketed as mosquito repellents using the power of garlic. Does this Spark an idea?

Sulfur in Garlic

Garlic is known to contain certain sulfur-based compounds. Scientists and physicians have studied these compounds for their ability to ward off cancer and other illnesses. Folk medicine in many cultures has revered garlic as a cure for many diseases and illnesses.

Scientists are now studying the potential power that the sulfur compounds in garlic have in repelling mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes and Garlic

Researchers have used garlic on small populations of mosquito larvae. The population died when concentrated garlic was mixed in the water where the larvae were growing. It remains to be proven why this is, but the evidence points to sulfur. Mosquitoes can find mammals based on lactic acid and carbon dioxide on their breath from up to 40 yards away. It is thought that the scent of sulfur on a mammal's breath can also be detected by mosquitoes, and that this smell repels them.

Commercial Products

A number of garlic-based products are on the market which claim to repel mosquitoes. These products are made with concentrated doses of garlic and are theoretically more powerful than using regular garlic to repel the pests. These products claim to repel other insects as well, including ticks and black flies. Products can be bought for use on the skin, in the yard or on pets.


Garlic may have some ability to repel mosquitoes, but to what degree it works, in what context it works, and exactly how it works, whether it be sulfur related or not, has not yet been proven. It may be fun to experiment with, but if you are having a serious mosquito problem it is best to stick with repellents with proven results.

Tags: ability ward, claim repel, repel mosquitoes, Sulfur Garlic, These products