Monday 5 October 2015

Ways To Remove Bot Flies

Bot flies lay eggs when they land on skin or hair.

Bot flies are native to Central and South America and infest mammals, including humans and horses. They lay larvae upon landing on skin, and these larvae burrow into the skin causing pustules that fill with fluid. When a larvae infests in a body, it is known as myiasis. Bot flies can infest humans and can infest horses when they land on them, especially when horses lick each other clean, ingest the eggs and allow them to travel to the digestive tract where bot fly larvae can cause ulcers. Does this Spark an idea?


Use a scalpel at the site of the pustule.

Using a local anesthetic, remove bot flies with a scalpel at the site of the pustule. Slice carefully -- just deep enough in the skin to see the larva or formed bot fly -- and carefully remove it with forceps. If an animal is infected such as a horse, a "bot knife" is available at equine supply store especially for the job.


Coax the bot fly out of the skin by covering the spiracles the fly uses to breathe with a substance that prevents it from breathing, like petroleum jelly or a slab of raw bacon. The bot fly is only able to survive in its host by breathing through spiracles in the skin, so blocking these off will coax the fly out. Reveal a small part of the bot fly through this method, then use a spatula or other hard wooden object to squeeze it through the hole. Beware that this may not be easy since the bot fly anchors itself with spines in the wound.

Comb and Vinegar

Use a fine-toothed comb for larvae or eggs in hair.

For bot flies in the hair of humans or horses, use a fine-toothed comb to remove the eggs. Check equine or pet stores for a special comb or buy one at the beauty supply section of a supermarket. Pour vinegar over the hair and comb it, as this is an old method to rid bot fly infestations. Another option is to spray the hair with an antiseptic Salvon solution to make the eggs fall.

Antibiotic and Hospital

See a doctor if removal scars you.

If you would prefer to see a professional for bot fly removal, make an appointment at your doctor's office. She may cut the pustule herself prescribe an antibiotic to rid you of bot fly infestations. After any of the treatments for bot flies, take an antibiotic to completely rid yourself or your animals of any possible lingering larvae.

Tags: fine-toothed comb, hair flies, humans horses, scalpel site, scalpel site pustule, site pustule, they land