Tuesday 27 October 2015

Population Growth Effects

As the earth's population rises, environmental, global economic and political changes affect each individual. Technology and advances in medicine have dramatically increased the average human's life span . The important questions are what effects the booming population has on you, how does one adapt to these changes, and what can you realistically expect for the future.


It is estimated by the U.S. Census Bureau that the earth's population is more than 6 billion. The end of the black plague marked the beginning of a remarkably sharp rise of the human population. Various censuses have projected that in the next 30 years the population will go up by more than 3 billion. Whether this evidence can be summed up as an outcome of overpopulation is a disputed subject. However, it does mean that cities will continue to grow, waste and pollution will be on the rise, and natural resources will continue to be depleted.

Example of Effecting Factors

The fishing industry illustrates the effects of population growth. Demand for fish such as tuna, salmon and Chilean sea bass has grown sharply in the last 20 years. Tuna is used for pet food, canned goods and is a food staple for a number of countries. Technological advances in the fishing industry have made these fish easier to catch. Though once an inexpensive fish, the market value has gone up, and tuna is now even auctioned off to the highest bidder in seafood auctions. When a company purchases this fish, it is stored in refrigerated containers and flown to different parts of the world. For the first time in history, it is possible to buy a fish caught off the coast of Japan and eat it the next day in Ohio. The repercussions put more strain on the tuna population as it becomes an even more desired delicacy. If not constantly kept in check, the price of tuna will continue to rise. The difficulty of enforcing a global reduction of fishing tuna is that not all countries are willing or can afford to limit this industry. Policing the global waters is another problem that has many ethical and political difficulties.

Environmental Sustainbility

This example demonstrates the pitfalls that a population increase has on politics, natural resources and economic markets. Individual responsibility can play a large role in ensuring that environmental problems decrease. By either building eco-friendly homes or using sustainable practices in your home, you can ensure your family leaves a smaller carbon footprint. Green housing is not only better for the environment, but in the long run, it pays for itself and can produce additional income. By installing solar panels on your roof, for example, you are turning your home into a miniature electric company. For the extra electricity you generate, many utilities offer homeowners money in exchange for using this energy in their grid. This helps take off financial strain and promotes a healthier living environment.

The Global Market

Knowing how the population increase is going to affect the economy requires an understanding of the global economic market. China's population has risen to more than 1 billion. The increase results in a competitive manufacturing market. Numerous products that are sold in the United States were made in China. This has pushed China into the forefront of politics, which further affects the global economy by the money China lends to foreign governments. How this trickles down to the everyday person is the fact that our economy is tied to China's and those of other countries. When economies fail in foreign countries it creates a domino effect. Our gas prices are determined by prices set by another country. Therefore, every time we use oil in our cars, we are affecting not only our market but others.

Political Factors

The political scene is progressively changing for many countries. The Middle East is making strides toward democratic political systems. There is a direct correlation between a less-restrictive government and a country's ability to compete in foreign markets. Policy changes in foreign countries do affect people's jobs and lifestyles.

What You Can Do

To become more aware of the changes happening across the world, subscribe to newspapers, check out foreign news sources, watch the daily news and involve yourself in political lectures or clubs. Becoming more informed about the latest in technology will give you a better idea of what to expect in the future. While every breakthrough in medicine and technology impacts peoples' lives, those advances also carry the potential to increase our population. By staying informed, you will be able to better predict and understand the vast plane that is globalization.

Tags: more than, more than billion, than billion, will continue, earth population