Monday 31 August 2015

Treat A Horse Fly Bite

Horses suffer fly bites on their lower legs.

Various types of flies, such as stable, black and deer flies, bite horses and feed on their blood, causing open sores that scab over. Treating fly bites require the use of antiseptic solution, antibiotic ointment and periodically bathing the horse. Prevention from bites includes using specific fly gear and fly spray.


1. Remove fly bite scabs by mixing 1 to 5 cc of antiseptic solution, Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) with water in a stainless steel bucket until the water is the color of weak tea, according to veterinarian, Gary Pruitt, DVM. Dip a sponge in the mixture and scrub the affected bite areas on the horse. Once the scabs are soft, remove them gently with the fingers.

2. Apply a topical antibiotic ointment, such as tea tree, to the bites to prevent infection and promote healing. Avoid applying tea tree to open sores, since it can burn and irritate the skin.

3. Bathe the horse periodically in antibacterial tea tree shampoo to treat fly bite scabs. Apply topical tea tree ointment after the bath.

4. Apply fly spray daily to the horse to prevent new fly bites. If the horse is sensitive to bites, spray twice a day. According to Tom Tower, owner of the One Iron Horse Farm, use additional fly wear protection, such as fly masks, flysheets and fly leg wraps on the horse.

Tags: antibiotic ointment, antiseptic solution, Apply topical, bite scabs, open sores