Tuesday 25 August 2015

The Safest Mosquito Repellent For Babies

Protect your baby outdoors with a safe mosquito repellent.

Some new parents look forward to introducing their babies to nature and the wonders of the outdoors, such as butterflies, wildflowers and warm summer breezes. Unfortunately, sweet babies' skin can seem like candy for pesky insects, including mosquitoes. Protect young ones from these bloodsuckers, with a baby-safe mosquito repellent. Please note that insect repellents of all kinds are not safe for babies under 2 months old. Does this Spark an idea?


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approves the use of insect repellents with N, N-diethy-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) for babies over the age of 2 months. Several repellents feature this repellent chemical, but each one offers it in different concentrations. The actual concentration doesn't affect the product's effectiveness; it does affect how long the product will keep the mosquitoes away from your baby. For example, a repellent with 7 percent DEET will typically work for about two hours, while one with 20 percent may keep the bugs away for four hours. DEET is not water-soluble, so only apply it to your baby once a day. Never apply it near a baby's mouth or hands.


Picaridin, or KBR3023, is similar to DEET, as it is a manmade chemical with several of the same components. It may be less irritating to a baby's skin though, because it is lighter, odorless and colorless. This product is not water-soluble, so only apply it to a baby once a day. According to an article on the site What to Expect, this insect repellent chemical does not typically last as long as DEET. Picaridin is also not currently approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics, but the CDC does list it as an alternative to DEET. Do not use this product on babies less than 2 months old.

Essential Oils

If the thought of putting chemicals on your baby's skin makes your skin crawl, consider using essential oils that naturally repel insects. For example, citronella oil is widely used as insect repellent in outdoor candles and sprays. It is also available in spray bottle form and is safe for babies more than 2 months old, according to "Aromatherapy" by Anna Selby. This type of repellent does not last as long as chemical formulas, so you must reapply it every two hours. Eucalyptus is another natural essential oil that is safe for babies older than 2 months old, but dilute it and apply it sparingly. The CDC warns that children under the age of 3 should not use lemon eucalyptus oil.

Tags: your baby, safe babies, than months, baby once, baby skin