Tuesday 4 August 2015

Organic Insect Spray For Vegetables

Read labels and choose organic pesticides wisely.

Some organic pesticides are safer than others and not all are labeled for use on food crops. Use them judiciously in cooperation with other techniques, such as hand-picking insects, growing resistant varieties and encouraging beneficial predatory insects in your garden. Does this Spark an idea?


Organic pesticides are derived from plant and mineral sources, according to Colorado State University. While labeled for organic use, they may be as toxic or more toxic than synthetic pesticides but break down more quickly. Look at the label for a safety classification, including one of the words: "Caution," "Warning" or "Danger." Pesticides labeled "Caution" are mildly toxic; those labeled "Danger" are highly toxic to humans or other animals.


Organic pesticide sprays are derived from several different sources. Botanical-based pesticides are made from plant materials. For example, pyrethrin products are made from an extract found in chrysanthemum plants. Sulfur-based pesticides are derived from the mineral sulfur and are available as a dust or liquid. Bacterial controls such as bacillus thurningiensis are safe for humans and animals, but are toxic to leaf-sucking caterpillars and other insects.


When applying organic pesticides, monitor the effectiveness of the product in relation to the number of applications required. A study at the University of California-Berkeley found that seven applications of a rotenone/pyrethrin spray had the same effectiveness as only two applications of a synthetic pesticide. Rotenone, while considered organic, is highly toxic to aquatic life, decreasing its value as an environmentally friendly substitute to synthetic pesticides.

Tags: derived from, organic pesticides, from plant, highly toxic, made from, pesticides derived, pesticides derived from