Tuesday 21 October 2014

What Are The Benefits Of Limes

Limes are beneficial to health.

Lime (Citrus aurantifolia) refers to a wide range of fruits, including natural and hybrid species. Limes are smaller in size than lemons and have green, thick flesh. They are either oval or round, sweet or sour. Lime is used in cooking for flavoring. Its extracts are used in aromatherapy, cleaning products and perfumes. Varieties of lime include Persian lime and Mexican lime.

Lime Supplies Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a vital component of the human diet for it performs numerous essential functions in the body. It is an antioxidant, donates electrons to important enzymes, reduces oxidative stress, synthesizes neurotransmitters and collagen, and boosts the human immune system. The daily vitamin C requirement (as recommended by the North American Dietary Reference Intake) is 90 milligrams. 100 grams of lime juice contains 29 milligrams of vitamin C.

Lime Supplies Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 (also called folacin and folic acid) is important for the healthy functioning of numerous body organs and systems, including human reproduction (where it prevents birth defects). The deficiency of folate, a key component of folic acid, leads to brain defects, fetal defects, anemia, confusion, diarrhea and depression. One hundred grams of lime juice contains eight micrograms of folate.

Lime Is Beneficial for Healthy Skin

According to "Reclaim Your Life--Your Guide to Aid Healing of Endometriosis," lime juice acts as a natural face wash, promoting the health of the skin and maintaining its pH balance. It effectively manages greasy and dull complexions, rough and dry skin and oily skin. A mixture of lime juice, egg white and ground almonds is effective against freckles. The antioxidant properties of lime reduces the appearance of unattractive dark spots and help soften skin tone.

Lime Boosts Immunity

Lime juice improves immunity and resistance against a host of diseases. According to "Prevention Magazine's Nutrition Advisor: The Ultimate Guide to the Health," lime heals wounds and enables the body to effectively resist diseases.

Tags: folic acid, grams lime, grams lime juice, juice contains, lime juice, lime juice