Tuesday 15 September 2015

Salmon Lifecycle Model Project Ideas

There are seven different types of salmon.

The more senses that are involved in learning, the more likely a student is to remember the information being learned. One way to engage the sense of touch is through the hands-on process of building models. For salmon life-cycle model project ideas, there are some very familiar materials students can use to create diverse and colorful models. In fact, you may even have all the materials you need in your home right now.

Paper Mache Model

Paper mache is one of the first crafts that many of us learn. Using materials such as newspaper, paper mache, wadded up paper, screening and paint, you can build individual models of each stage of the salmon life cycle. The most difficult part will likely be getting the initial shape right. This is where the wadded paper and screening comes into play as you wrap screening around wadded paper to create the initial model shape. Because paper mache requires drying time, you'll want to begin preparing it a at least two days before the project due date.

Paper Cylinder Model

A life cycle is actually cyclical. As such, creating a project that is cylindrical and ends at the beginning adds another dimension to the life cycle model. For an paper cylinder model, get a large piece of poster board, a pencil, a black marker and some other coloring tools. In a comic panel style, block off all the panels you need for a salmon life cycle. Draw each stage in a respective panel; outline the images in marker when you are comfortable with the drawings and color them in. When you finish the last panel, bend the whole project in a cylinder shape so the last panel is next to the first one. Fasten it in place and you have your salmon life cycle model.

Lego Models

The building blocks of a good model are sometimes simple building blocks. Lego, Duplo, K'Nex and other building blocks have many advantages for model building: they come in different sizes and colors and can even accommodate movement. As each stage of the salmon life cycle looks so different, these types of building blocks allow you to get as detailed as you wish.

Play-Doh Model

For centuries, clay has been the element of choice for many sculptors. Today, modeling clay is available at most art supply stores, but it can lack the color options needed for some projects. Luckily, there's Play-Doh, PlayFoam, Super Wikki Stix and other modeling materials that comes in a wide range of colors. Depending upon how detailed you wish to get, you could have your life-cycle model finished in just a couple of hours.

Tags: life cycle, building blocks, salmon life, salmon life cycle, each stage, wadded paper