Friday 20 February 2015

Mosquito Repellent In Grass

Some plants contain mosquito-repelling oils.

Most mosquito species pose no threat to human health or well-being, but several could transmit diseases such as encephalitis and malaria. Protect yourself from mosquito bites by avoiding places with high mosquito densities, minimizing the amount of exposed skin and using a mosquito repellent. Does this Spark an idea?


According to the University of California, bluestem grass can somewhat repel mosquitoes. Citronella grass is a stronger mosquito repellent, but it is a tropical plant that is difficult to find in the US.


According to Iowa State University, mosquito-repelling plants release the repellent oils only when crushed. To apply, rub the crushed grass on your skin.


You could be allergic to the grass, so do a patch test before using it on a larger area. Rub a small amount of crushed grass on your inner forearm for one day. Continue only if you see no sign of irritation or redness.

Tags: crushed grass, crushed grass your, grass your