Friday 27 February 2015

Make Mosquito Repellent Using Sage

Sage has a strong, earthy smell.

Mosquitoes are a major pest in the summer, especially in regions with standing water. Spend time outside with confidence by using sage, a natural plant, to repel insects without harmful chemicals. Sage does have a distinct smell, especially when burned, so start with a small amount and use only the amount required to effectively repel mosquitoes. It will also repel other insects, including bees and Asian beetles. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Burn a small amount of dried sage outside to repel mosquitoes and other insects. Add it to charcoal when starting to barbecue and it will repel insects while you eat. Burned sage has the strongest smell, so start with a small amount.

2. Mix a few drops of sage essential oil in a base oil such as almond oil or coconut oil, and blend them thoroughly. Add a few drops to your wrists and neck, like a perfume, and it will repel mosquitoes. Add a few drops to the hem of your pants or edges of your socks to keep away bugs on the ground.

3. Fill a spray bottle with water and add about 20 drops of sage oil. Shake it well and spray a light mist on your skin and clothing. This method is especially effective if you live near many mosquitoes or plan to spend hours outside. Reapply it every couple of hours.

4. Spray the water and sage oil mixture around doors and windows in your house to keep insects out.

Tags: repel mosquitoes, small amount, drops sage, drops your, other insects, repel insects