Friday 27 November 2015

What Is A Freshwater Biome For Kids

Biomes are large ecological regions that share similar climate and vegetation. Freshwater biomes are characterized by extremely low salt content of the water. Fresh waters are home to many plants and animals that have adapted to life in and around water.


Fresh waters are found in lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. Lakes and ponds are inland bodies of standing water and are scattered throughout the earth. Rivers and streams are bodies of moving water and originate at springs, lakes or melting snow of glaciers.


Freshwater biomes are found on every continent of the world, except Antarctica.


Freshwater biomes are affected by the temperatures of the land biomes around them. During summer, the temperature could be 22 degree C at the top while the bottom temperature can be around 4 degrees C. During the winter, the temperature at the top could be 0 degrees C while the bottom temperature can be at 4 degrees C. Precipitation plays a major role in the formation and maintenance of freshwater biomes.


Aquatic plants are categorized as submergent plants that grow entirely under water and floating plants that float on the water's surface. The emergent plants have their roots under water while their stems and leaves are above the water surface.


Different species of birds such as wading birds, waterfowl and shorebirds live in these biomes. Mammals (e.g. beavers and otters) use these water bodies to find food. Freshwater biomes are also home to reptiles such as snakes and lizards, amphibians such as frogs and salamanders and fishes such as trout and salmon. Some insects such as mosquitoes and dragonflies live in freshwater.

Tags: bottom temperature, Fresh waters, Freshwater biomes, Freshwater biomes, plants that