Tuesday 24 November 2015

Mosquito Yard Repellent

Mosquitoes breed in standing water and transmit a number of diseases.

Mosquitoes have survived for millions of years by adapting to climates ranging from the jungles of the Equator to the Arctic tundra. They have developed ways of locating indigenous warm blood hosts in most every part of the world; Antarctica is the only place you won't find a mosquito. Mosquitoes bite frogs, mammals and many species of birds as well as humans. If your backyard is infested with mosquitoes, applying a combination of these natural methods can help to eradicate grown mosquitoes and their larvae. Does this Spark an idea?

Health Risks

Every summer, mosquitoes (Phylum arthropoda) are a pesky irritant in parks, playgrounds, campgrounds, backyards-basically, anywhere outdoors. Mosquitoes are more than just a manageable irritation-they can also transmit disease. They are carriers of several diseases, such as encephalitis, yellow fever, dengue, malaria, West Nile virus, and the heart worm disease, potentially fatal to family pets. The Annals of Internal Medicine reports that mosquitoes transmit disease to more than 700,000,000 people annually.

Breeding Areas

Mosquitoes breed in standing, stagnant water. Empty any containers that could hold water, even small amounts, such as buckets, playground toys, rain gutters, old tires or plastic coverings on lawn or patio furniture. Spray water-filled areas that you can not drain with cooking oil. The oily film prevents mosquito larvae from hatching.

Change the water in bird baths, wading pools, potted plants trays, rain barrels or fountains at least once a week to prevent mosquito larvae from developing. Thoroughly wash and rinse the item before refilling.

Keep swimming pool water chlorinated and circulating.

Organic Mosquito Repellent

Tansy plants repel mosquitoes and flies.

Plant Tansy and Citronella in containers or pots situated around the patio or any area where people congregate. Tansy and Citronella plants spread. Contain their growth by container planting. Citronella candles or citronella oil lamps can be effective in keeping patios and play areas clear of mosquitoes. Do not burn citronella candles indoors.

Natural Predators

Bats and purple martins consume huge amounts of mosquitoes and other flying insects; devouring hundreds of pests per hour. Put up bat houses and purple martin houses around the perimeter of your backyard to provide nesting sites.

Strongly Scented Herbs

Geranium, cinnamon, eucalyptus, basil, rosemary, cloves, lemon balm, feverfew, marigold and thyme are effective in repelling mosquitoes. Plant these herbs around patios, pools or any area where humans congregate. These strongly scented herbs add color, scent and visual appeal to a garden while keeping mosquitoes at bay.

Tags: area where, breed standing, larvae from, more than, mosquito larvae, mosquito larvae from, Mosquitoes breed