Friday 10 July 2015

Organic Insecticides For Garden Vegetables

Organic pesticides can be applied with simple spray bottle

Invasive insects can be easily controlled in your home garden with a handful of natural ingredients and techniques. Garden vegetables can benefit from preventative measures which will insure years of healthy, insect-free vegetable growing. Does this Spark an idea?


Crushed or ground garlic is a particularly potent insecticide. Mix two garlic cloves with a cup of water in a food processor and finely process the mixture. It can be directly applied to plants or put into a spray bottle and gently misted onto infested areas.

Hot Peppers

Hot peppers are a natural all-purpose insecticide. Peppers can be ground or crushed and applied in a spray to plants and insects. Simply add one tablespoon of cayenne pepper to one cup of water and put into a plastic spray bottle for application.

Crop Rotation

Rotating the area where crops have been planted from year to year prevents pests from residing long-term in a home garden. Crop rotation additionally helps balance soil pH and nutrients.

Neem Oil

Neem Oil is an organic insecticide which is especially efficient at killing young insects. It works by preventing insects from reaching maturity, but must be reapplied when rain occurs.


The best way to insure a healthy garden is to take preventative measures against harmful insects. Ornamental flowers such as marigolds deter aphids and some garden critters from plants. It is helpful to water your garden only in the morning and weed regularly to avoid providing beneficial habitat to insect invaders.

Tags: spray bottle, home garden, preventative measures