Friday 10 July 2015

Ic 555 Timer Projects

IC 555 timers can be used to flash lights and make sounds.

The 555 timer is a versatile, 8-pin integrated circuit used to build a wide variety of electronic circuits. It is used for generating pulses, precision and sequential timing, pulse width modulation, and time delay generation. The timer's eight pins have different functions: one is ground, two is trigger, three is output, four is reset, five is control, six is threshold, seven is discharge, and eight is the positive supply voltage terminal.

Toy Organ

By attaching a 555 timer to a series of switches connected to capacitors and resistors, you can make a toy organ. For volume control, insert a potentiometer between the last capacitor and the speaker.

LED Flasher

A light-emitting diode (LED) will flash when connected to the 555 timer along with resistors and a capacitor.

Light/Dark Detector

When the 555 timer is connected to a photoresistor and a speaker with some resistors and capacitors, the speaker either makes a sound when light hits the photoresistor (switch position one), or it makes a sound when there is no light (switch position two).


A series of resistors connected to the 555 timer along with a small speaker results in an electronic metronome that you can use, for example, to keep time during piano lessons.

Tags: along with, connected timer, connected timer along, makes sound, makes sound when