Wednesday 24 June 2015

What Is Citronella Used For

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), citronella oil has been used for more than 50 years as an insect and animal repellent. It's a safe, nontoxic oil that isn't harmful to humans, animals or insects. Citronella oil has a number of other uses besides insect repellent. Laboratory studies performed by the EPA found that the only concern regarding citronella oil is possible skin irritation. Since its commercial debut in 1948, there have been no reports documenting any adverse effects of concern, and it isn't harmful to the environment or wildlife. Does this Spark an idea?

Insect Repellent

The most common use of citronella is to repel insects. You can buy citronella in the form of citronella sprays, candles, gels, towelette wipes and lotions to help keep the bugs away. These types of citronella products are perfect for camping, bonfires and other outdoor activities to help keep you from getting bit.

Prevent Dog Barking

Citronella dog collars are a great, humane way to train your puppy or dog to stop barking. You also can try lighting citronella candles in your yard to see if it helps. Otherwise, consider using a citronella collar. When the dog barks, a small amount of citronella sprays up toward the dog's face. Although the spray isn't harmful or toxic, dogs don't like it, and it may help to prevent them from barking.

Head Lice Prevention

Rubbing citronella oil into the scalp can help prevent head lice. It's important that you don't use formulas containing citronella oil to get rid of head lice that already exists -- this will not work to get rid of them. It's simply a method you can use to help protect yourself from getting head lice.

Soap and Aromatherapy

The chemicals in citronella oil can be used in soaps. If you bathe with soap containing citronella oils, it could very well help to keep bugs from biting you. In addition, the aroma of bathing with citronella oil, or just using citronella soap in the bath, can be very relaxing and soothing to your mind and body.


To use citronella oil as an astringent, you first should test your inner forearm to be sure it doesn't irritate your skin. If it doesn't bother you, apply a small amount of citronella to a cotton ball and wipe it over your face to help get rid of excess facial oil. You can use this along with your normal facial skincare routine.


Java citronella oil is a common ingredient in a number of perfumes. The java oil contains geraniol, hydroxyl citronellol and citronellal, which are very useful in making perfumes.

Tags: help keep, amount citronella, citronella sprays, containing citronella, from getting