Wednesday 17 June 2015

Symptom Indicators Of Sandfly Bites

Even a peaceful looking beach can be home to biting sandflies.

Sand flies are small, winged insects that live, breed and troll areas such as beaches. The sand fly makes its home in the sand, which means that someone enjoying the sandy areas where the sand flies live is prone to its bites. Though not every sand fly that lands on someone bites them, a beach infested with sand flies can cause problems for people who have not protected their skin. Knowing the symptoms of sand fly bites can help you address the problem right away.

Specks of Blood

Though only the female sand fly will draw or suck blood during a biting episode, being repeatedly bitten by sand flies could cause small specks of blood to appear. If you are in a sandy area and feel slight pinches on your skin, check the top of your skin for signs of blood. Any blood will be small flecks that signal a sand fly bite.


Once a sand fly bites you, your body and skin react in the same manner as with any other insect bite. You will feel the pinch and then an itching sensation. This is one of the most instantaneous symptoms associated with sand flies. Do not ignore it. If you feel a few bites while on or near the sand, leave the area and check your skin in bright light to look for other signs of sand fly bites.


Dermatitis is the broad-based term for skin conditions that cause irritation such as skin slaking, dry patches, itching and redness. When dermatitis flares up, especially where no history of the condition is present, assess whether you have been in contact with sand flies. Since female sand flies draw blood as they bite, they may have compromised your skin during repeated bites. When a sand fly bites, it makes your skin unstable and irritated.


When a sand fly bites an infected rat or mouse, then transfers contracted diseases to a human, it lays eggs at the bite site. The bite may turn into more than a simple welt. Because of this transfer of infection, the point where the sand fly bit you will eventually turn into a pustule or boil. Seek medical attention; you may need antibiotics or to have the boil lanced.


If you have been feeling tiny bites and have noticed other symptoms, make a quick visual survey of your skin. You may find additional details. Look for red and slightly inflamed skin where the sand fly bit you. A hot sun and wind-blown sand can cause redness, but the redness associated with sand fly bites will be more concentrated in the area of the bite.

Tags: sand bites, your skin, sand flies, with sand, where sand, with sand flies